Mobile-First Web Design

Was your site hit by Google's Mobile-Friendly algorithm update?

Why responsive design has become essential

Google loves “responsive”!

According to a study released by Google, “What Users Want Most From Mobile Sites Today,” conducted by Sterling Research and SmithGeiger in July 2012,

  • 61% of users said that if they didn’t find what they were looking for right away on a mobile site, they’d quickly move on to another site,
  • 79% of people who didn’t like what they found on one site would go back and search for another site, and
  • 50% of people said that even if they like a business, they will use them less often if the website isn’t mobile-friendly.

Google promotes responsive web design:

Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device.

Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device.

Switching to responsive web design can be very profitable

To you as the website owner, responsive web design means we don't have to create different versions of the website for various desktop computers, tablets and smart phones. A responsive site provides a quality user experience for many devices, platforms and screen sizes.
You also don't have to create several versions of the content; one for each device experience. With responsive design, the same content displays for every screen, configured on the fly for the device.
Visitors that immediately leave websites providing a horrible mobile user experience are unlikely to become customers. When your website delivers a premium user experience for everyone, bounces tend to go way down.

Our process and web design pricing

Discovery On a custom web design/development project, we begin by discussing your needs, goals and vision, your target market and content requirements.

A sitemap is created, to map out your website's architecture. A functional specification document is prepared to set out in detail everything the website must do. We then create wireframes (simple visual layouts) of each of the page types we will be building.

Design In the design phase we produce mock-ups in Photoshop, based upon all the requirements approved in the Discovery process. Mock-ups are reviewed by you and refined/revised until approved. Upon sign-off on the design, the project is ready to move to production

The discovery and design process can take anywhere from a few days, to a month or more, depending on the complexity of the design, the number of decision makers who must approve the work and how available clients are to provide required materials and feedback. The first two phases typically come in between $1,200 and $3,500 CAD.

Production (Web Development) In the production, or "code" phase of the project, the approved design is converted from the Photoshop (PSD) layouts into a functional website. We build sites on our local server. Upon completion, we provide a video walk-through of the entire site, with commentary. Upon approval, the website is completed, and it's ready for population with content. It is usually then moved to a beta location, where content can be added and edited on a live server. When the content has been entered, the new site is launched.

The development process typically takes about 10 to 15 days, for a standard 4 template WordPress website, and starts at $2,000 CAD. Where there are more than the standard templates, add-on components like e-commerce, or special features, the process can take a bit longer, and that will affect the price.

Content Population Populating your pages and blog posts with content can vary greatly from project to project, and therefore is separate from the design and development process. On most ROI-centric web design projects, we are also hired as the SEO copywriters, and will provide a quote for the initial content and then release regular content, under a retainer agreement, for months or years to come. On other redesign projects, we are contracted to migrate all of the content from the former site into the new platform, and reconfigure it so it works in the new responsive design. And in other budget projects, the client will be creating and entering all of the content, so our role will only be design and development.

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